Percentage to Fraction Calculator

Percentage to Fraction Calculator

How to Use Percentage to Fraction Calculator

  1. Enter Percentage: Click on the input box labeled “Enter percentage” and type the percentage value you wish to convert. This value can be a whole number or a decimal.
  2. Convert: Click the “Convert” button to process the input.
  3. View Results: The conversion result will appear in two parts:
    • Fraction: The simplified fraction form of the percentage.
    • Decimal: The decimal equivalent of the fraction.

This tool simplifies percentages to their lowest fraction form and provides a decimal representation for better understanding.

Percentage to Fraction Formula

To convert a percentage to a fraction, you use the formula where the percentage becomes the numerator and 100 becomes the denominator. Here’s the process:

  1. Write the Fraction: Place the percentage value over 100. For example, 45% becomes 45/100​.
  2. Simplify the Fraction: Reduce the fraction by finding the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and the denominator.


  • 45%: Start with 45/100. The GCD of 45 and 100 is 5. So, 45/100​ simplifies to 9/20​.
  • 60%: Begin with 60/100​. The GCD of 60 and 100 is 20. Thus, 60/100 simplifies to 3/5​.

This formula helps in directly converting any given percentage into its simplest fractional form.

Real Life Example

Consider a situation where you’re baking and a recipe calls for 75% of a cup of sugar, but your measuring tools are only in fractions. Here’s how you’d convert that:

  • Start with the Percentage: 75%
  • Convert to Fraction: 75/100​
  • Simplify the Fraction: Since 75 and 100 can both be divided by 25, 75/100 simplifies to 3/4​.

Thus, you would measure 3/4​ of a cup of sugar for your recipe. This method is not only practical in cooking but helps in understanding and applying fractions in everyday life scenarios where percentages are often used.