Percentage Calculator

Percentage Calculator
Percentage Calculator

Steps To Use Percentage Calculator

  1. Enter the Part: In the input field labeled “Part,” enter the value for which you want to find the percentage. This could be a portion of a whole or any other quantity you’re interested in.
  2. Enter the Whole: In the input field labeled “Whole,” enter the total value or the whole amount that corresponds to the part you entered earlier. This is the reference value against which the percentage will be calculated.
  3. Click Calculate: After entering both the part and the whole values, click on the “Calculate” button.
  4. View the Result: The calculator will display the result in the format:

Result: [Result Value] [Part X]% of [Whole Y] = [Result] Steps: [Part X]% of [Whole Y] = [Part X/100] × [Whole Y] = [Result] The percentage is: [Calculated Percentage]%

  • Result: Displays the calculated result.
  • Steps: Shows the step-by-step calculation process.
  • The percentage is: Shows the calculated percentage value.
  • Repeat as Needed: You can repeat the process as many times as necessary for different part and whole values.

By following these steps, you can effectively utilize the percentage calculator to calculate percentages for various scenarios.

What is the percentage formula used ?

=(Part/100) X Whole

Imagine you have a jar filled with 20 candies. You want to find out what 5% of these candies would be.

First, let’s break down the calculation:

  • “5% of 20” means you’re looking for a portion that represents 5% of the total amount of candies.

So, to find 5% of 20:

  • First, calculate 5% of 20, which is (5/100)×20=0.05​×20=1

This means that 5% of 20 candies equals 1 candy.

In simple terms:

  • Out of the 20 candies in the jar, 5% of them is just 1 candy.

So, the result of finding 5% of 20 candies is 1 candy.

Formula for percentage:

Percentage = (Part/Whole) X 100

Let’s say you have a box of candies, and you want to find out what percentage of the candies are chocolate.

  • Part: The number of chocolate candies in the box.
  • Whole: The total number of candies in the box.

Suppose you have 5 chocolate candies in a box containing 20 candies in total. To find out the percentage of chocolate candies:

Percentage = (5/20) X 100 = 25%

Imagine you have a box of 20 candies. Among them, 5 candies are chocolate. To express this as a percentage, you can say, “Out of the total candies in the box, 25% are chocolate.” This means that if you randomly pick a candy from the box, there’s a 25% chance it will be chocolate.