Area of a Rectangle Calculator

Area of a Rectangle Calculator

What is the Area of a Rectangle?

 The area of a rectangle is the measure of the space inside the rectangle. It is calculated by multiplying the length of the rectangle by its width.

Area of a Rectangle Formula

The formula for the area of a rectangle is:

Area=length × width

 where length is the longer side of the rectangle and width is the shorter side.


  1. Room Flooring: If a room is 5 meters long and 3 meters wide, the area is 5×3=15 square meters.
  2. Garden Bed: For a garden bed that is 10 feet long and 6 feet wide, the area is 10×6=60 square feet.

Use of Area Calculation

Calculating the area of a rectangle is crucial in various fields such as architecture, interior design, landscaping, and construction. It helps in determining the amount of materials needed, planning space usage, and designing layouts efficiently.